We are going absolutely crazy on this one!


Join The Podcast to Profits 2 Day Private

Event in Miami this June 7-8, 2024

The value is going to be insane!

Join The Podcast to Profits

2 Day Event in Miami

this June 7-8, 2024!

The value is going to be insane!!

We are going absolutely crazy on this one!

What we’ll cover at the event

What we’ll cover at the event

Launch Your Podcasting Empire:

From Beginner to Profit-Maker

Discover the essentials of starting a profitable podcast, tailored for newcomers eager to make their mark in the podcasting world.

Monetization Mastery

for Established Podcasters

Dive deep into advanced strategies for monetizing your existing podcast, maximizing revenue, and expanding your listener base.

Building Your Own Podcast Studio:

A Blueprint for Success

Learn the step-by-step process of setting up a podcast studio, creating a profitable media business, and leveraging podcasting for significant exposure and growth.

And so much more amazing conversations and networking opportunities!

If you’re in the podcast space, this event will help you whether your are:

A New podcaster, Looking To Run A profitable Podcast

A Existing Podcaster Looking Monetize

Entrepreneur & Business Owners Looking Leverage Podcasting For Exposure

Someone Looking To Learn How Start A Podcast Studio Owner

Someone Looking To Learn How Create A Profitable Media Business

Someone looking to grow, scale and monetize in this space FOR REAL!

So if that sounds like you, you don’t want to miss this event.

Our personal mission is to help Attendees:

Our personal mission is

to help Attendees:

Grow, Scale, Monetize & Operate without brand deals, sponsorships or having a large audience.

Learn how to Find unique ways to make money from your podcast that don't rely on ads!

Learn how to build a strong connection with your audience through interaction and feedback, turning them into a supportive community.
Learn the art of providing significant value through your episodes, addressing your listeners' needs and interests, which can lead to more opportunities for monetization.

Are you tired of chasing brand deals and sponsorships?

Transform your podcasting

journey with our proven strategies

Explore Beyond Ads: Ditch the conventional and diversify your revenue streams.
Cultivate Loyalty: Engage and grow a community that's more than just listeners.
Deliver Value: Create content that resonates and turns listeners into supporters.

Are you tired of chasing brand deals and sponsorships?

Transform your podcasting

journey with our proven strategies

Explore Beyond Ads: Ditch the conventional and diversify your revenue streams.
Cultivate Loyalty: Engage and grow a community that's more than just listeners.
Deliver Value: Create content that resonates and turns listeners into supporters.

Here's What To Expect:

Inspiring Sessions On Monetization & Structure: Gain essential insights and strategies for every stage of your podcasting journey, from creation to monetization, with guidance from top entrepreneurs and industry leaders. This comprehensive session promises to arm you with the knowledge needed for financial success in the podcasting world.

Networking Opportunities: The Podcast to Profits event offers a one-of-a-kind environment for creating meaningful connections that will lead to collaborations and partnerships that drive future success.

Monetization & Structure: Immerse yourself in the fabric to realistically monetize your podcast and become profitable, while creating a structure that will allow you to work smarter not harder and have the confidence to build a successful team.

Access Capitalization: Learn to setup your media business to win and get access to capital to really grow and scale your podcast business.The wisdom and knowledge you'll gain from these individuals are invaluable assets as you aim for wealth mastery.

We've collaborated with Some of The Best Minds To create an event like no other.

Brendan Boyd

With a relentless passion for his craft, Brendan Boyd has honed his skills and knowledge through years of experience in the fashion and real estate industries. Today, his focus lies in empowering entrepreneurs and business owners to achieve remarkable growth and success.

Brendan's path to success hasn't been without its share of adversity. At a young age, he faced heart-wrenching losses, losing his mother to the devastating grip of drugs, his father to the relentless battle against AIDS, and his beloved grandmother to the cruel clutches of lung cancer. These experiences, though undeniably painful, have fueled Brendan's unwavering determination to make a positive impact in the world.

With an intimate understanding of the challenges life can present, Brendan has dedicated himself to helping others overcome their obstacles and reach new heights. His expertise in media exposure, coupled with his extensive network and relationship building, allows him to guide entrepreneurs and business owners towards greater visibility, increased growth, and ultimately, exponential sales. Brendan's speaking engagements are an experience like no other.

Temitayo Agoro

An accomplished entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast, born and raised in a small town, Temitayo discovered his love for fitness at a young age. As he pursued his own personal fitness goals, he quickly realized the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on overall well-being.

Motivated by a desire to share his knowledge and help others achieve their fitness aspirations, Temitayo began creating compelling content targeting high-income clients who sought to optimize their physical performance.

Through his insightful content and dedication to delivering exceptional results, Temitayo garnered a loyal following of clients who admired his expertise and unique approach to fitness. As his popularity grew, so did his ambition. With a vision to create a fitness haven where individuals could embrace a luxurious and effective workout experience, he made the bold decision to establish his own gym, Rich and Fit.

Since its inception, Rich and Fit has quickly become a sought-after destination for fitness enthusiasts seeking personalized training, state-of-the-art equipment, and a luxurious environment. Temitayo's commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of the gym, from the meticulously designed workout programs to the highly skilled trainers who work closely with clients to achieve their goals.

Beyond his role as a gym owner, Temitayo continues to inspire and motivate others through his influential content. He uses various platforms to share his expertise, offering practical tips, workout routines, and nutritional guidance to empower individuals on their fitness journeys. His genuine passion for helping others achieve their best selves has earned him a reputation as a trusted authority in the fitness industry.

An accomplished entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast, born and raised in a small town, Temitayo discovered his love for fitness at a young age. As he pursued his own personal fitness goals, he quickly realized the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on overall well-being.

Motivated by a desire to share his knowledge and help others achieve their fitness aspirations, Temitayo began creating compelling content targeting high-income clients who sought to optimize their physical performance.

His dedication and unique approach quickly garnered a loyal following, leading to the establishment of his own gym, Rich and Fit—a haven for those seeking a luxurious and effective workout experience.

Beyond the gym, Temitayo continues to inspire through various platforms, offering practical fitness and nutritional advice. His journey from a small-town enthusiast to a trusted fitness authority exemplifies his commitment to helping others achieve their best selves.

Temitayo Agoro

An accomplished entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast, born and raised in a small town, Temitayo discovered his love for fitness at a young age. As he pursued his own personal fitness goals, he quickly realized the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on overall well-being.

Motivated by a desire to share his knowledge and help others achieve their fitness aspirations, Temitayo began creating compelling content targeting high-income clients who sought to optimize their physical performance.

His dedication and unique approach quickly garnered a loyal following, leading to the establishment of his own gym, Rich and Fit—a haven for those seeking a luxurious and effective workout experience.

Beyond the gym, Temitayo continues to inspire through various platforms, offering practical fitness and nutritional advice. His journey from a small-town enthusiast to a trusted fitness authority exemplifies his commitment to helping others achieve their best selves.

Jason Tyler Hamilton

With a decade of experience as a photographer and filmmaker, Jason has made it his mission to tell the stories of those around him through the language of film.

He’s worked with grammy award winning artists like Damian Marley, filmed and completed hundreds of projects across multiple industries amassing hundreds of thousands of views across all platforms.

Jason is an extremely accomplished camera operator who has worked in all aspects of the filmmaking and content creation process from pre-production, scripting, and storyboarding all the way down to the editing process.

With his unique vision and acute attention to detail, your podcast is guaranteed to achieve a level of quality that will rival anyone in the industry.

Andrew Loranger

With a remarkable track record as one of Miami’s Top Mortgage Brokers, Andrew has closed and funded over $1 Billion in mortgage loan volume in just under a decade, aiding more than 3,000 investors in their quest to amass generational wealth through homeownership.

His impact in the real estate sector is matched by his dynamic leadership as the founder of “The Move Miami,” Miami’s hottest creative content studio. Under his leadership, The Move has become an influential hub, attracting celebrities, professional athletes and influencers like Mike Miller, Udonis Haslem, Theo Von, and Rick Ross, to name a few, solidifying its status as “Miami’s number one podcast studio” in under 6 months.

Andrew’s journey from novice to a luminary in content production is a testament to his belief that with vision and unwavering commitment, any dream can be realized, regardless of experience, background or education.

His transition from never having held a camera to building a six-figure set and collaborating with global podcasting icons underscores his philosophy that transformative change is within reach for all those who dare to act on their aspirations.

Beyond his business accomplishments, Andrew is deeply committed to fostering deep community ties. He is the founder and driving force behind “Planted Men,” a private Christian-based men’s group that provides a sanctuary for men to share, support, and grow together on spiritual, mental, and emotional levels. His dedication to cultivating a community of strong, supportive men highlights his holistic approach to success—encompassing professional achievements, personal development, and communal well-being.

Andrew Loranger is not just an entrepreneur; he is a visionary, a community builder, and a beacon of inspiration, proving that with the right blend of faith, passion, perseverance, and purpose, anyone can leave an impactful mark on the world.

With a remarkable track record as one of Miami’s Top Mortgage Brokers, Andrew has closed over $1 Billion in mortgage loans, aiding over 3,000 investors in building generational wealth through homeownership. His venture into the creative world led to founding “The Move Miami,” a content studio that quickly became a hotspot for celebrities and influencers, solidifying its status as Miami’s top podcast studio swiftly.

Andrew’s transition from a novice in content production to an industry luminary highlights his belief in the power of vision and commitment. His journey from never having held a camera to creating a significant platform for global icons illustrates that with determination, anyone can achieve transformative success.

Beyond his professional achievements, Andrew's dedication to community shines through in “Planted Men,” a Christian-based group fostering spiritual and emotional growth among men. This effort showcases his holistic approach to success, blending professional achievements with personal and community well-being. Andrew Loranger stands out as a visionary and community builder, demonstrating that faith, passion, and purpose can create a lasting impact.

Andrew Loranger

With a remarkable track record as one of Miami’s Top Mortgage Brokers, Andrew has closed over $1 Billion in mortgage loans, aiding over 3,000 investors in building generational wealth through homeownership. His venture into the creative world led to founding “The Move Miami,” a content studio that quickly became a hotspot for celebrities and influencers, solidifying its status as Miami’s top podcast studio swiftly.

Andrew’s transition from a novice in content production to an industry luminary highlights his belief in the power of vision and commitment. His journey from never having held a camera to creating a significant platform for global icons illustrates that with determination, anyone can achieve transformative success.

Beyond his professional achievements, Andrew's dedication to community shines through in “Planted Men,” a Christian-based group fostering spiritual and emotional growth among men. This effort showcases his holistic approach to success, blending professional achievements with personal and community well-being. Andrew Loranger stands out as a visionary and community builder, demonstrating that faith, passion, and purpose can create a lasting impact.

Secure Your Access To THE


Get ready to unlock the secrets to lasting podcast success.



  • 2 Day Access

  • Access to Speakers

  • Signature VIP Dinner

  • Merch

ONLY 10 Spots Available

Value Of $3997

Price: $1200

Limited spots available - closing soon!



  • 1 Day Access

  • Access to Speakers

ONLY 30 Spots Available

Value Of $1997

Price: $600

Limited spots available - closing soon!

Secure Your Access To THE

#1 EVENT FOR ALL THINGS PODCASTING and Get ready to unlock the secrets to lasting podcast success.



  • 2 Day Access

  • Access to Speakers

  • Signature VIP Dinner

  • Merch

ONLY 10 Spots Available

Value Of $3997

Price: $1200

Limited spots available - closing soon!



  • 1 Day Access

  • Access to Speakers

ONLY 30 Spots Available

Value Of $1997

Price: $600

Limited spots available - closing soon!

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Frequently asked questions

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First question goes here

Answer ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Gravida ac nullam fermentum odio in nunc, aenean. In urna non urna, feugiat. Leo non, iaculis est euismod amet lacus, eu, dignissim. Curabitur id nunc non fames.

Second question goes here

Answer ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Gravida ac nullam fermentum odio in nunc, aenean. In urna non urna, feugiat. Leo non, iaculis est euismod amet lacus, eu, dignissim. Curabitur id nunc non fames.

Third question goes here

Answer ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Gravida ac nullam fermentum odio in nunc, aenean. In urna non urna, feugiat. Leo non, iaculis est euismod amet lacus, eu, dignissim. Curabitur id nunc non fames.

Fourth question goes here

Answer ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Gravida ac nullam fermentum odio in nunc, aenean. In urna non urna, feugiat. Leo non, iaculis est euismod amet lacus, eu, dignissim. Curabitur id nunc non fames.

Unlock Your Path to Podcasting Profits at Our Exclusive 2-DAY Private Event in Miami, June 7-8, 2024!

Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to transform your passion into profit. The insights you'll gain are game-changing. Secure your spot now for an experience that promises not just growth, but a revolution in your podcasting journey.